skitkomiq kihci-kikuwosson
wewehseyutomon ktahkomiq
ma-te wen `topeltomuwon ktahkomiq
psi-te keq nituwi nutomonon ktahkomihkuk
micuwakon, `samaqan, ktahkomonsol…
skitkomiq kihci-kikuwosson
kilun yut skitkomiq kikon
the earth is our great mother
treat the earth as sacred
nobody owns the earth
everything I need, I get from the earth
food, water, seeds for planting…
I think of the earth as my mother
The earth is our great mother
The earth is home
I am a member of the Passamaquoddy Tribe in Eastern Maine and live on the Indian Township reservation with my husband Donald Soctomah and our son Denahi. Donald and I began working together in 2006 on various Passamaquoddy Tribal Historic Preservation projects. Some of the projects include a canoe-building project with the late David Moses Bridges, a Passamaquoddy online dictionary, and a Passamaquoddy Language immersion school. In 2009, I earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts with a focus on visual arts at the University of Maine in Machias and graduated magna cum laude. I have participated in numerous exhibitions and co-curated The Equinox Petroglyph Project. Currently, I work as a Passamaquoddy language apprentice teacher at the immersion school at Indian Township.